Weight Loss

Want To Lose Weight Naturally?

Are You Ready For Change?

The Virtual Gastric Band is a non-surgical technique which uses the power of hypnosis to retrain you to be satisfied with smaller amounts of food. It changes how you think about food and gives very safe, very predictable results. The clinical hypnotherapy convinces the brain that the stomach is full after a certain level of intake, and that there is no need for more food.

It is most definitely NOT a diet – we know that diets only work in the short term. The Virtual Gastric Band allows you to eat what you want, but will enable you to intake smaller portions. And, because it’s not a diet, you won’t feel deprived, miserable or hungry, the issues which cause diets to fail. As The Virtual Gastric Band effectively negates these issues, you are left with a long term solution to your weight problems.

The medical procedure reduces the physical size of the stomach, and may achieve the same result, but The Virtual Gastric Band can be undertaken quickly and privately, without the lengthy delay of hospital waiting lists, and of course carries no costly invasive surgery, no risks and no on-going medical treatment.

The Virtual Gastric Band is a remarkable Weight Loss program, and one which was pioneered in the UK by Sheila Granger. As the name suggests, the system utilises the concept of a “virtual” gastric band and clinical hypnotherapy. It successfully harnesses the power that every individual holds within them to make changes to their lives. Many clients have benefited from The Virtual Gastric Band therapy.

We help you gain the motivation and handle the emotional eating triggers to create a permanent healthy living pattern. Most people lose between 1-2 kilos per week. Your Program includes 4 weekly sessions of hypnotherapy (it takes 28 days to form new habits), 2 CDs, a Workbook and full support. And because it’s not a Diet, you won’t feel deprived, miserable or hungry.

To make a booking or for more information,
call us on 0448 801 273

PROBLEMS with bulging waistlines lie more in the mind than the stomach, a dramatic experiment has shown. Overweight people fitted with a “virtual gastric band” under hypnosis shed an average of almost nine inches in just five weeks.

The idea is that the subconscious mind will not allow the body to over-eat. People only have to follow simple rules to reduce their portion size as well as being encouraged to exercise and listen daily to a supporting hypnotherapy CD.

Sheila Granger’s Virtual Gastric Band has recently attracted a tremendous amount of media attention worldwide. The video below is a recent report regarding Sheila Granger’s Virtual Gastric Band that appeared on the BBC.